Visitor Site Safety Information

Roadbridge Services welcomes you to our work site. We want you as a visitor to be aware
that your health and safety and the health and safety of those working around/with you is a top
priority to us.
As your purpose(s) for being here will vary, this site orientation information may not address all
the specific hazards that you could encounter. If that is the case, job specific orientation may
be required from our company representative.
Personal Protective Equipment
You may be asked to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while visiting our work site.
You must provide your own PPE, as follows:

  • CSA approved
  • CSA approved safety footwear
  • CSA approved glasses and/or goggles
  • CSA approved Fire-Retardant Reflective Jacket, vest or Coveralls
  • Adequate Hand protection.
  • Personal Appearance

    In maintaining the image of “professionalism” to customers, the general public and industry, all
    personnel are required to present themselves in a “professional” manner.

    Personal Conduct

    While on our work site, you will be subject to the following safety and security requirements:
    • Notify your RBS contact when you are on site.
    • You must show proof of identification and sign into the sign in sheet for the project.
    • You MUST remain with the RBS representative at all times. You must not “float” around site without your RBS representative.
    • Work in a manner that protects your own and others health and safety by complying with Health & Safety Legislation and internal RBS company Policies, Procedures and Guidelines.
    • You must not be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol. RBS has a zero tolerance policy
    • No visitor shall report to or remain on the site while in possession of/or under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol.
    • Visitors are obligated to advise their RBS representative regarding any prescription or over the counter drugs that may affect the safe being of all personnel on the work site.
    • Follow the Fire Evacuation Plan instructions located in the site office. Evacuate immediately if the fire alarm is sounded.
    • No smoking rules are in place – smoking only prohibited in designated areas.
    • No climbing, horseplay, running or unruly behavior at any time while on site.
    • No use of any equipment or tools on site.
    • You must not enter any area of the worksite that is restricted or closed off.
    • Be aware of your surroundings at all times – watch for falling debris, tripping hazards or slipping hazards.
    • Report all accidents/incidents or related concerns immediately to RBS’ health and safety Officer Carmen @780-902-5835 AND


    Take responsibility for your own Health and Safety.
    We’re all in this together.

    Health and Safety concerns

    You must immediately report:

    • Near misses (i.e. a close call that could have easily resulted in an injury but did not);
    • Unsafe conditions
    • Dangerous conditions
    • Dangerous situations
    • Missing safety equipment; and
    • Unsafe practices.

    What to Do If You Are Injured on Our Premises

    • Seek medical attention
    • Available resources

    First Aid Responders – RBS Team Members First Aid Kit (remember to use the First Aid Log).

    • Notify RBS’ health and safety Officer Carmen @ 780-902-5835 as soon as you have received the required medical attention.
    First Aid

    • All RBS Site superintendents are trained in First Aid
    • First Aid Kit is located: Site office and all RBS work vehicles
    • Fire Extinguishers located: Site office and all RBS work vehicles

    (Edmonton Work Site Phone Numbers)

    Emergency Contact Telephone Numbers
    Fire & Ambulance 911
    Police 911 911
    Hospital Royal Alex Hospital 780-735-4111
    WCB 780-498-3999
    Gas Company 780-412-3414
    Power Company 780-412-3414
    City Public Works 780-497-3500 OR 1-800-622-6232
    Workplace Health & Safety 1-866-415-8690
    Dangerous Goods Incidents 911
    poison control 1-800-332-1414
    Company Contact: Carmen Danis 780-902-5835

    Evacuation Plan

    If the fire alarm (air horn) sounds or you discover a fire:
    1. Alert everyone in your area.
    2. Leave fire area immediately.
    3. Sound fire alarm by activating the fire alarm pull station.
    4. Close, but do not lock the doors behind you.
    5. Do not use elevators.
    6. Follow the sites team members instructions and evacuate via nearest exit, if you can use
    the stairs.
    7. Leave the building.
    8. Meet at the muster point.
    If smoke or fire blocks your exit, use an alternate exit, or return to a room, and call the Fire
    Department @ 911.
    Muster Assembly Area: TBD (what project you are on) Your RBS Representative
    will inform you.